What Makes a Good Restaurant Atmosphere?
Hi, guys! Today we will talk about what makes a good restaurant atmosphere! I identify 3 major components of an establishment’s atmosphere in service and hospitality:
- The staff of the establishment, the people;
- The space itself, material, physical objects: finishes, furnishings, furniture, materials, lighting, visual and musical design of the space, smell;
- The work processes organized in the space.
Of course, the most important thing is the staff of the institution, the people. Again, if you look at the level of reasons, everything is created by a person, everything comes from a person: the owner creates the institution, builders create the building, the cook creates the food, the maid creates cleanliness. But man is creative not only because he creates material objects. Each person is like a kind of force field, vibrating into space; a person creates the atmosphere with his or her attention.
Therefore, negative people, with negative attitudes toward life, will of course create a bad atmosphere.
Positive, contented people who love their work, with the right attitudes, will emit good waves and vibrations.
It’s also worth describing what good staff means: those who are in their place, present and aware of what’s going on, positive and attuned to growth and development. Knowing their business, responsible for their part of the job (as the natural norm), or better yet, who understands more broadly what and how their hotel/restaurant works. Fed up, gets a decent attitude and decent pay, feels his worth, is interested in what’s going on and what customers think, is determined to develop his skills and develop the company, can think strategically and forecast. Is articulate, calm, ready for any kind of customer requests, ready to solve them, non-confrontational and soft-spoken.
Most importantly – loving, interested in what he does, positive and friendly. He wants to GIVE not just the best, but even more.
The staff of ANY quality service establishment should appreciate silence and do their work as quietly as possible, whether they are putting a dish on the table, moving chairs to the table, or resolving work issues over the phone, it should all be done gently and gently.
The space, created with love and attention to the future guest, filled with positive vibrations, decorated with pleasant images and pictures, consistent with the concept, where the carefully and thoughtfully thought-out interior details, selected the right music, set the light pleasant to the eye and perhaps even create a unique smell.
In addition to design, it is very important how it is organized in terms of harmony. Here are a few significant points:
- Visual design of the interior: the rooms should not have aggressive paintings, only images that evoke positive emotions: nature, abstract paintings, pleasant images and colors.
- The right light.

Obviously, artificial light, like in a hospital, is unlikely to be a hallmark of a restaurant. Guests will feel “naked”, as if under the rays of a spotlight directed at them.
It’s great if the restaurant has light switches with an adjustable brightness wheel. Then, again, depending on the time of day and seating, you can adjust the atmosphere yourself.
Whether it’s a lounge or a comfortable light for a business meeting, it’s all in your hands.
Of course, natural daylight works most beautifully and effectively. But not every restaurant can afford panoramic windows and gorgeous views from them.
I would also advise against going overboard with multicolored bulbs. Do not forget that the New Year is just once a year.
It’s important to note the fact that the more different lighting solutions, the more areas of responsibility for cleaning. What good is a designer lamp in the dust?
- A musical backdrop to create a cozy, friendly atmosphere: nice relaxing jazz, chill out, piano, classical music.
- A pleasant smell in the space.
- All sorts of interior details that create comfort.
All this should resonate with the concept of the institution: the music, and visual design, and even the smell. If any of these components can be played around, linking them to the concept – a harmonious place with a good atmosphere is created.
It is influential to say that people do those processes too and HOW they do them: with goodwill, with intentions of love, with ethics and rules of hospitality.
And the processes also have an essence and a core: whether someone has thought, having put a creative intention into their organization, when “for the people”, when they haven’t had time to think – and it’s already there.
And let’s say it again:
To create a good atmosphere, it is significant that all components be thought out, made with love and attention, and that they be in harmony with one another and about one another.
The creative underpinning of all components and how well and coherently they interact with each other determines the harmony of the atmosphere.